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Thursday, January 24, 2008

2008 Tax Rebate

What could be better than starting our blog on the date the President announces a tax rebate? So if you are a taxpayer here is a simple source of income for 2008. Following is the program information.

Tax Rebate of 2008
Rebate checks will start going out in May and everyone will have their rebate by July.

Single Filers will receive $600
Married Filers will receive $1,200
Those will children will earn $300 per child
Those who make at least $3,000 but don't pay taxes will receive $300 each

If you are single and earn $75,000 or more your amount will be lower as will the married couples who earn a combined income of $150,000 or more. Add to Technorati Favorites

.Mac (Apple Computer, Inc.)

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